
“Prišel, videl, bral”

24. sep 2020

| ob 17:00

SNG Maribor

Kazinska dvorana, Slovensko narodno gledališče, Maribor

Za prijavo na dogodek se morate naprej registrirat na naši spletni strani.

Publishing house Beletrina and CzK are organising an event entitled “Prišel, videl, bral” (I came, I saw, I read). The event opens at 17:00 on September 24th in Kazinska dvorana of SNG Maribor.


The event deals with issues like reading as a fundamental substance of culture in the fragmented world of today, the development and marketing of new digital publications, audiobooks and other digital content, and their production, distribution and promotion. Guest lecturers will present current trends in publishing and ways of meeting the challenges that will be shaping markets and new ways we can think about publishing.


The event is intended for wider audiences as well as representatives of local and national publishing and the wider cultural sector. The objective is to present and support different growth opportunities in publishing with world-renowned thinkers and speakers. The general and professional public alike will become more familiar with good, innovative models from the publishing business within the CCS (cultural and creative sector).


In view of the negative trends in reading habits of recent years and the ongoing contracting of the CCS (especially the publishing sector) in Slovenia, we want to encourage the exchange of new methodologies and present a wide array of issues surrounding publishing today. Despite the emergence of new media, books remain the foundation of social discourse and related intellectual and artistic creation. But as the culture of reading withers, we witness the accompanying negative trends in book sales and rentals, which ultimately has a significant impact on the development of the entire CCS sector.

od 17. ure naprej
  • talk with Pawełom Horbaczewskim, 
  • talk with Rüdigerjem Wischenbartom,
  • round table with Pawełom Horbaczewskim, Rüdigerjem Wischenbartom, Bronja Žakelj and Goran Vojnović.
  • refreshments


moderated by Ksenija Horvat. 

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