Cultural and creative sector in Slovenia
CCS Research
Creative Tourism and Heritage
Sofia Widmann
Exhibition 'Tunell XXIX'
Milano Design Week
In the spotlight
About Us
Interdisciplinary Platform for the Development of the CCS
Our programmes help enhance the sectors' social and economic value while forging stronger ties with the business and other sectors. Together with grants from the Ministry of Culture, it forms a supportive framework for the sectors' development.
MoreCzK Programmes
Intervju z Mashoni
Svetilo Stellar je oblikovano z mislijo na kontekst in čas, v katerem živimo. Upošteva osnovno človeško potrebo po nadzoru in hkrati omogoča modularnost. Njegova prilagodljivost izhaja iz konstrukcije svetila, ki uporabniku ponuja personalizirano rešitev.