PhD in mechanical engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljana. In his career, Jože Vižintin (has) served as assistant at the Chair of Engineering Design at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UL, director of the Institute for Research in Materials and Structures, Ljubljana, head of the Centre of Tribology and Technical Diagnostics and full professor for tribology and mechanical power transmission at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UL; president of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering, acting director of the Institute for Innovation and Development of the University of Ljubljana, secretary general of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering. He is also the winner of multiple awards: Zois Award for achievements in science, Zois Award for outstanding scientific achievements in mechanical engineering, Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljana, Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association of Mechanical Engineers of Slovenia. Bibliography and other achievements: 155 scientific and 30 expert papers, 7 chapters in scientific monographs and 9 patents, among others.