

Pridruži se skupnosti mentorjev CzK! Postani del kroga, kjer lahko deliš svoje znanje, gradiš dragocene povezave, krepiš svoj ugled in odkrivaš nove poslovne priložnosti.

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Emilija Stojmenova Duh is assistant professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ljubljana. She is the initiator and coordinator of the national FabLab Slovenia network, a technologically supported platform for innovation, prototyping and invention that promotes local entrepreneurship. Executive director of DIH Slovenia from February 2018 to October 2019 she currently serves as Head of 4P DIH (Public, Private, People Partnership Digital Innovation Hub), whose main aim is to create awareness and provide services to grow digital competencies, share digital experience and case studies locally, regionally and internationally, and support the government to adapt regulation and open its data to foster entrepreneurship. She was head of Demola Slovenia, part of Demola Network, which was recognized by OECD and the World Bank as a best practice example for innovation policymakers. She coordinates several national and European research and development projects in the field of digitisation and innovation for rural development and collaborates with the European Commission within two thematic groups on rural development and digital innovation hubs. 

Emilija’s work is focused on open innovation, co-creation, user-centred design and digitisation for sustainable development. She takes part in an international team of researchers developing a methodology for measuring and monitoring social and economic return on investment of digital products and services through open innovation.