
Created in Slovenia

27 May - 2 Oct 2022

Cukrarna Palace, Ambrožev trg 3, Ljubljana

Exhibition Opening: 27 May 2022 at 18:00

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 to 18:00

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On Friday, 27 May 2022, the Cukrarna Palace in Ljubljana will host the opening   of Created in Slovenia, an exhibition of the Museum of Architecture and Design aimed at presenting the achievements of the Centre for Creativity as well as selected programmes developed under its auspices during the first period of the Centre’s operation. The exhibition provides an insight into the work and projects of the Slovenian creative community as they change the domestic and international landscape, creating a different, inclusive, and sustainable future. 


In its almost five years of operation, CzK has organised more than 500 programmes aimed at developing the sector, and recorded 248,000 participations of creators, creative businesses, self-employed freelancers, private and non-governmental organisations, and other visitors. Of these, almost 500 companies and several thousand creators were involved in specific programmes. Supported by the Ministry’s calls for proposals and by the CzK they are developing over 200 innovative products and services, maintaining over 50 collaborations between creators and companies from other economy sectors, and are funding 62 new jobs in creative enterprises. To date, over 100 Slovenian creators and entrepreneurs were represented at more than 60 exhibitions and events in 24 countries around the world


The current exhibition, Created in Slovenia, looks back at the first period of the platform’s operation and presents a selection of some of the Centre for Creativity’s most important programmes. The CzK, together with its established partner network and many other partners, connects and supports thousands of creators, artists, self-employed freelancers in culture, creative entrepreneurs, organisations, associations, and institutions across different areas of the sector. On display are the works and projects of a vibrant and creative community whose common denominator is its capacity to create change in society and to think differently, inclusively, and sustainably.


As part of BIO27 Supervernacular, whose production platform and accompanying programme is produced by the Centre for Creativity, the Curkrarna Palace will host three different international exhibitions, The Ideal Eating Experience (Kathrina Dankl in collaboration with Vienna Design Week and Vienna Business Agency) The School of the Untold (Design Campus in collaboration with German Design Graduates and the Goethe Institute) and DNA of Things (Marcin Rusak), which deal with alternatives to the existing systems and show how an experimental and interdisciplinary process enables creative research and innovation, making social and entrepreneurial innovation happen in the first place.


The Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in 2017, at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, established the Centre for Creativity (CzK) – an interdisciplinary platform aimed at the development and promotion of the cultural and creative sector in Slovenia, as well as its integration with the economy and other sectors. Together with the Ministry of Culture’s calls for proposals aimed at promoting creative industries, it supports projects that emerge at the intersection of different creative fields and entrepreneurship and contribute to economic and social progress.