Pop-Up shop

Pop-Upstart: David Tavčar and Jona Bednjanec

12–13 Dec 2020


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Centre for Creativity invites you to the last pop-up event of this year! We’ll be hosting two young Slovenian designers, David Tavčar and Jona Bednjanec, at our Project Space in Maribor, and introduce you to their knitwear, textiles and accessories for the home. If you love quality materials, perfect lines and bold combinations, come and find a great new piece for yourself or the perfect present for this holiday season!

Every month at Pop-Upstart events we host Slovenian designers from different domains of the creative and cultural sector and enable them to showcase their products to the wider public. This way, we encourage entrepreneurship of young creatives with a focus on promoting their innovative and sustainable products that are already on the market, while also discovering their approaches to design, sales, marketing, and problem solving.

David Tavčar

Je industrijski oblikovalec, razpet med Ljubljano in Dunajem, kjer je leta 2016 na Univerzi uporabnih umetnosti končal študij industrijskega oblikovanja. Po zmagi na natečaju REWE Groupa leta 2013 je nadaljeval samostojno pot predvsem v sodelovanju z znamkami, ki so znane po svojem zgodovinsko zaznamovanem pristopu do trga; med njimi so na primer proizvajalec lanenih tekstilij za dom Leitner Leinen, manufaktura porcelana Augarten, manufaktura moške obutve Lukacs Laszlo, proizvajalec luči Artemide in steklarna Lobmeyr. Tavčarjeva oblikovalska praksa se osredotoča na raziskave tradicionalnih tehnik industrijske proizvodnje in obrti, svoja dognanja pa ustvarjalec uporablja kot odgovor na potrebe sodobnega trga. Februarja 2019 je v Frankfurtu predstavil svojo neodvisno linijo tekstilij za dom. V pop-up trgovini bodo na voljo izbrani izdelki iz njegove linije tekstilij po akcijskih »pop-up« cenah, pa tudi prototipi iz posameznih sodelovanj.

Jona Bednjanec

Jona graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Textile and Fashion Design in 2016. She is currently working on her master’s thesis in sampling and knitwear design, something she has actively pursued since her graduation. She took part in end-of-year fashion shows at the faculty and has already had two solo shows. Last April she made her debut appearance at the Ljubljana Fashion Week 2019, where she won the Digi Wow award.
