Music business 2.0: Andraž Kajzer – from A to Z
23 Oct 2019
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This time, we’re hosting Andraž Kajzer, artistic director of MENT Festival Ljubljana, who will be presenting their lecture named Music business – from A to Z. We’ll continue with uncovering secrets and the background of the music business.
The Music business – lectures / workshops / evaluations are co-produced by Centre for Creativity at Museum of Architecture and Design. The project is part of the activities of the Centre for Creativity Platform and co-financed by European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and Republic of Slovenia.
Andraž Kajzer
Je umetniški direktor showcase festivala in konference MENT Ljubljana. Z glasbenim poslom se je do sedaj srečeval v vseh možnih oblikah: kot glasbeni urednik in novinar, kot organizator koncertov in založnik, kot menedžer in booker. Ob MENT-u velja izpostaviti njegovo participacijo pri zagonu glasbenega medija Hrupmag ter režijo dokumentarca Muzika je džabe.