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Creative professions need ideas twice: for their own market presence and for solutions for their business partners. The development of business in the creative industries is practically unlimited with teleworking, but it also increases the competition.
You are invited to a workshop as part of the Creative Accelerator, where we will talk about growth hacking – a methodology of rapid experimentation through different marketing and sales channels as well as different segments and through adapting products to achieve company growth. The recipe for success is: the faster you experiment, the more you will learn and, as a rule, the faster you will grow.
The workshop will be led by Maja Voje, who will first use examples to show how both companies and individuals have found their levers for growth, so that you can fully understand how different the levers of growth can be between different types of companies and business models. The introductory part will be followed by an hour of workshop work on your cases, where we will focus on using the growth hacking methodology in the field of creative industries, which will help you gather ideas and prioritize which ideas to implement first – to develop your business and stand out on the market.
We will develop a growth marketing strategy that is tied to your specific goals, with everything focused on ensuring that you can find the best way to your business goal through prioritization.
The workshop is a great fit for those graphic designers, UX experts, fashion brand designers, architects and other creative specialists who:
- make plans to launch your products or services
- want to stand out as a freelancer in the market and create more added value,
- need more visibility and traffic to your website,
- want to optimize the cost of acquiring new customers
- always want to try something new and you are thirsty for ideas to experiment.
Maja Voje
The workshop will be led by Maja Voje, who will first use examples to show how both companies and individuals have found their levers for growth, so that you can fully understand how different the levers of growth can be between different types of companies and business models.