P.A.K.T. Lab: Legal and organizational frameworks with a focus on outdoor tourism
Deadline for applications: 26 Nov 2021
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What are the possible legal and organizational forms in creative tourism? What are the most common legal challenges faced by providers of outdoor services? How can we successfully solve them and how to introduce elements of creative tourism into the offer?
Due to the current situation, which prevents the quality implementation of P.A.K.T. Lab and Clinic in a live environment, we and our partners have decided to adjust the format of the event, thus ensuring the highest possible quality of the event and successfully responding to the real challenges of providers.
The lab will take place in 2 phases: first, based on one-on-one mentoring, where we will try to define the concrete challenges of individual providers and perhaps find solutions, and in the second phase, we will meet (as soon as conditions allow) live at Expano, Murska Sobota and together rework the main challenges, look at some examples of good practice and respond to challenges with solutions.
Therefore, we invite interested parties who offer sports skills, natural heritage, tourist associations, DMOs and others who are looking for ideas on how to design attractive outdoor tourism products to respond to the call and answer the questions in the application.
The Rajzefiber project is created in cooperation with the Centre for Creativity and RPC Expano, the Murska Sobota Development Centre, UP FTŠ sTOUdio Turistica and the FromZero partner consortium.