Round table

Presentation of the publication Value Creation

22 Feb 2022

| 18:00


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We invite you to participate in the round table on the publication of the book Value Creation: The value and effects of designing visual messages and the factors affecting them, with authors Robert Ilovar and Ajda Schmidt and guests dr. Barbara Predan, Miho Klinar and dr. Kristina Pranjić.


The research was co-produced with the Centre for Creativity in 2021 in response to convincing and relevant arguments for the added value of quality visual message design that would be meaningfully structured, easily accessible, tailored locally and all gathered in one place. The publication contains summaries and analysis of existing literature in the field of design value and addresses the main issues related to the value of visual message design. In the concluding part, it presents a model for understanding value, which inhibit or prevent its full utilization.


Join us on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 6:00 pm at the Museum for Architecture and Design.


The project is part of the Partner Network of centre for Creativity Platform. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia.

Partner Network Programme