The extent and potential of the cultural and creative sector in Slovenia
We at the Centre for Creativity are well aware of the size, importance and quality of the field in which we are working. So we’ve prepared the most comprehensive statistical analysis of the cultural and creative sector (CCS) in Slovenia, in cooperation with the Institute for Economic Research (IER). Based on the evaluation and working together with Dr Barbara Predan, we’ve prepared a brochure – The Cultural Creative Imperative – which presents a comprehensive overview of key findings and an interpretation of their significance for the sector.
The brochure includes summaries, key findings and an interpretation of the results from the document Statistical Analysis of the Cultural and Creative Sector in Slovenia 2008–2017 by Nika Murovec, Damjan Kavaš and Tjaša Bartolj from the Institute for Economic Research (IER), commissioned by the Centre for Economic Research.