
CzK and IER: CzK and IER: Statistical analysis of CCS 2008–2017

Published: 26. May 2020

At the Centre for Creativity we are well aware of the size, importance and quality of the field in which we are working. For that reason, we’ve prepared the most comprehensive statistical analysis of the cultural and creative sector (KKS) in Slovenia, in cooperation with the Institute for Economic Research (IER).


The primary purpose of this detailed study is to present the results of in-depth statistical analysis of CCS in Slovenia, carried out mainly on the basis of three databases run and maintained by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and available for research purposes: the Statistical Register of Employment, the Statistical Business Register of Slovenia, and a database of company accounts. Based on the these databases, both an analysis of industries and an analysis of professions were performed.


The key findings of the study and an interpretation of such are summarized in the brochure The Cultural-Creative Imperative, edited by Barbara Predan, PhD.
