
A New Edition of Summer School

A New Edition of Summer School

Summer School explores the concept of subversive realities through merge of design and science.

The term “subversive” suggests an intent to subvert an established system. But what happens the day after the revolution? This theme invites exploration of not only the broken systems of today and our psychological biases but also the external realities that make us believe that there is no alternative.


This theme includes discussions on systemic social injustices, environmental challenges, political issues, historical revisionism, cultural biases, and psychological defense mechanisms. Participants are encouraged to examine the complexity of human perception, both individual and collective. Can we think of alternatives that become a reality?


The applications are open until  2nd June 2024. From 8th to 12th of July 2024 in Ljubljana, we will gather 21 participants from all over the world to explore the topic of Subversive realities.  Follow designscience.school for more information or contact us at design.science@aluo.uni-lj.si.


University of Ljubljana, together with the Association for Culture and Education PiNA, Faculty of Design Split and Institute Joanneum of the University of Applied Sciences Graz