Conference and networking
Creativity Meets Clusters
19. - 20. nov 2024
Bari, Italija
Še niste registrirani? Vpišite seZa prijavo na dogodek se morate naprej registrirat na naši spletni strani.
Are you managing a cultural or creative company, organization or project focusing on one of the following sectors: performing arts, audiovisual, video games, design, heritage, media, communications or publications? Do you want to establish contacts with companies and creatives from abroad?
The Center for Creativity, in cooperation with the organization Puglia Creativa (Italy) and 12 other organizations from Europe, Africa and South America, is participating in the organization of the second edition of the international meeting of cultural and creative organizations and companies Creativity Meets Clusters.
For those interested in participation, Center for Creativity can offer to cover the costs of transport and accommodation. If you would like to attend the conference, please send us the name of the organization and motivcational letter at
For more information about the event click here.