Opening event
European Culture & Creativity Days Vienna
10th & 11th Oct 2023
University of Applied Arts Vienna
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Centre for Creativity as a partner of EIT Culture & Creativity and Kreativwirtschaft Austria invites you to the European Days of Culture and Creativity, which will take place on October 10 and 11 at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.
EIT Culture & Creativity is the youngest Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) from the European Institute of Technology (EIT). It will bring the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) into the largest innovation network in Europe. This is the result of decades-long efforts of groups in the policy, industrial, social, and cultural realms, who have made possible the recognition of CCSI as an economic, social, and innovative powerhouse in Europe. They aim to raise between €25 and €35 million a year for innovation in connecting the cultural and creative sectors with education programmes, services, products, businesses and society.
To enable creative minds, policy makers, industry, the arts and cultural heritage, academia, research and innovation as well as investors in the area of South East Europe and Alpine Space to access the services of the EIT Culture & Creativity, the Kreativwirtschaft Austria opens the doors to a Co-Location Center in Vienna aiming to jointly create a desirable future. This will be celebrated with the European Days of Culture and Creativity. The event will include an interesting programme of panels and forums.
The forum on policies and the future of the cultural and creative sectors and industries will take place on 10 October at 15:00 and will be moderated by Anja Zorko, Head of CzK, and Christina Koch, Head of EU Coordination at the Austrian Wirtschaftsservice.
The forum will bring together representatives of support organisations and policy makers from different cities and regions:
- Ana Ilic, Senior Advisor to the Serbian Prime Minister for Creative Industries & Tourism
- Danijela Pavlovic, Head of the Creative and Cultural Department in the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Sprska, Bosnia
- Dr Susanne Ast, Deputy Head of the Department for Information and Communication Technology and the Creative Industries at the Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Peter Baroš, Adviser to the Minister of Culture, Slovenia
- Daniela Limberger, Head of the Agency for Location and Economy Leonding
- Luc Schmerber, Policy expert for the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
- Elvisi Kopliku, Expert on Competitiveness at Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
They will share their practical lessons, insights, good practices and guidelines to create a level playing field for the development of the cultural and creative sectors and industries. In an interactive format, you will get first-hand insights on how to translate strategies into action and discover the benefits of CCIs’ impact on regional competitiveness.
Participation is free of charge, registration is required. Register now!
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Open doors and registration
Welcome to the European C&C Days Vienna and Keynote
Panel sessions:
Explore the concept of shaping a positive future through materials. Learn about the latest material trends for construction and creation, including strategies for transforming problematic materials into desirable products. Discover how to foster stronger communities and minimize environmental damage through a 360 degree approach.
- Reanne Leuning, Deputy Chairwoman of Kreativwirtschaft Austria; AWO CCI
- Franz Riebenbauer, CEO and Creative Director at Studio Riebenbauer
- Thorsten Schwerte, Director of Zoology at Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck
- Dagmar Zvonickova Fredholm, Co-Founder of IDENTITY DESIGNERS & NOVAVITA
- Andrea Kessler, Co-Founder of materialnomaden GmbH
Explore the potential of blending technology and creativity to achieve remarkable results: Learn how to transform complex and environmentally harmful textile manufacturing processes into smart, aesthetically pleasing, and eco-friendly practices through the application of arts and creativity.
- Christiane Luible-Bär, Head of Department Fashion and Technology at University of Arts Linz
- Christopher Raeburn, Raeburn Design
- Miriam Kathrein, Head of AFA Futures at the Austrian Fashion Association
- Gert Rücker, Business Owner of JMB Fashion
- Sophia Guggenberger, Designer and Visual Artist
Understand the contributions that artists and creatives can make to the exploration of frontier technologies, considering their impact on ecological, democratic, and social aspects. As the digital world becomes increasingly intertwined with our society, it is more important than ever to reflect on its implications and envision what a European Digital Society should look like.
- Veronika Liebl, Managing Director FESTIVAL PRIX EXHIBITIONS at Ars Electronica Linz
- Jurij Krpan, Art Director at Kersnikova Institute
- John Palmesino, Architect & Co-founder of Territorial Agency
Creative Lunch
Forum Sessions:
1. Policy Forum
Learn to create good futures for your cities, regions, and towns by integrating culture and creative industries into policies. Explore the strategies used by others and engage in discussions on how to establish a level playing field for culture and creative industries (CCSI) at the local, regional, and national levels.
- Ana Ilic, Senior Advisor to the Serbian Prime Minister for Creative Industries & Tourism
- Danijela Pavlovic, Head of the Creative and Cultural Department in the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Sprska, Bosnia
- Dr Susanne Ast, Deputy Head of the Department for Information and Communication Technology and the Creative Industries at the Ministry of Economic Affairs
- Peter Baroš, Adviser to the Minister of Culture, Slovenia
- Daniela Limberger, Head of the Agency for Location and Economy Leonding
- Luc Schmerber, Policy expert for the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
- Elvisi Kopliku, Expert on Competitiveness at Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
- Anja Zorko, Head of CzK
- Christina Koch, Head of EU Coordination at the Austrian Wirtschaftsservice
Discover the advantages of investing in creative industries. From gaming and media to fashion and music, the Creative Industries offer significant opportunities for investors. Join the EIT C&C Investment Club, which aims to become Europe’s largest club for investors, providing access to the Cultural and Creative sector that contributes €414 billion to the European value added.
- Kambis Kohsanal-Vajargah, Head of Startups; Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
- Mehjabeen Patrick, Interim Chief Financial and Investment Officer at EIT Culture & Creativity
- Michael Mayboeck, Investor of the Cultural and Creative Sector
- Nermina Mumic, Data scientist, CEO and founder of LEGITARY
3. Open Data of the Past Forum
Learn to use the Big Data of the Past for new approaches in the Cultural and Creative Sector, using state-of-the-art technologies and digital tools to open ways for new interpretations and views on the past. Experience the possibilities to re-live the past and learn for the future.
- Thomas Aigner, Vice President Time Machine Organisation
- Michael Klein, CEO 7Reasons
- Linnéa Richter, Head of Creative Concepts, fluxguide
- Alexander Pfeiffer, Leading blockchain & game-based education researcher at MIT & Austrian Academy of Sciences fellow
- Manuela Graf, Project Scouting Officer Time Machine Organisation
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Creative city tour: For international guests our Principal Partner the Vienna Business Agency is offering a Creative City Tour.