Urban intervention: from idea to realisation
29 Sep 2021
| 11:00
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How to intervene in the space of an abandoned market, in a green area between apartment blocks and in a busy city centre? Is architectural work in a space you have known since childhood easier or harder? How to formulate an idea that can be realized in a short space of time? How to work with small budgets? When to complete the project? And when the project is over – what changed after the completion?
Iza Šentjurc, Zala Koleša, Kvirina Martina Zupanc, Mojca Pavlič, Ajda Žagar, Iva Lukan, Vanesa Tomažič, Žan Križnar, Manja Platovšek, Anja Gasser, Erazem Paravinja, Sergej Novak, Barbara Fojkar, Samo Čadež and Matic Pokorn are in Škofja Loka this year, Šentjur and Krško realized three urban interventions within the Urban Academy.
In conversation with Zala Velkavrh (Prostorož), they will talk about the tactical successes, technical failures, micro-location challenges and urban visions they have been working on this summer.
The conversation will last 50 minutes. Click here for access.
The project is part of the Partner Network of the Centre for Creativity. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia.