
Open Call for CzK Partner Network, CzK

Open Call for CzK Partner Network, CzK

Open Call for submission of programme proposals aimed at reinforcing the creative and cultural sector in the Republic of Slovenia and becoming part of the CzK Partner Network 2021.

The Museum for Architecture and Design (MAO), as the coordinator of the CzK Platform, is inviting interested organizations already working in the creative sector to join the CzK platform in 2021 with their vision and programmes to co-create a supportive environment for development and better integration in this sector. The CzK platform wants to support the work of the existing creative ecosystem in Slovenia with a Partner Network, harmoniously link different organizations, development-oriented programs and projects on a common platform, participate in the formulation of local and national policies, prepare programmes in the creative sector (education, conferences, lectures, workshops, publications and online platforms, development of new products and services, etc.) and mutually support and promote the activities of the creative field at home and abroad.

CzK Partner Network

Toward successful development of the creative field, the CzK platform is establishing a Partner Network of relevant support organizations (in the Eastern and Western Cohesion Regions) already operating in certain areas of the creative field to co-create a national support environment for successful development, promotion and integration of this field. The purpose of the Partner Network is to connect, grow and promote the sector at home and abroad, to transfer locally specific experience and knowledge and to grow opportunities and connections.

The subject of the invitation and to whom the invitation is intended

The subject of this invitation is specific programmes, projects or activities that follow the above-mentioned objectives of the CzK Platform, interconnecting CCS and contributing to its development. At the same time, these programmes are intended to address the investment priority objectives of the CzK Platform; for example, dynamic and competitive entrepreneurship for green economic growth, promoting entrepreneurship, in particular facilitating the economically sound use of new ideas and supporting the creation of new businesses, including business-incubators and promoting business creation, especially start-ups.

The invitation is intended for all legal entities – both private and public – companies, associations, cooperatives, institutes, chambers of commerce and social enterprises, educational and research institutions, and local communities active in CCS. The application is to be submitted by an individual company or a representative body (cluster, consortium…). Read more about the programmes and the Partner Network at www.czk.si.

Partner cooperation – contents and priorities in 2021

In 2021, we are looking to intensify cooperative efforts with partner organizations in the strategic development of CCS with further research and activities related to the preparation of recommendations for policy making for the development of the Slovenian CCS. Involvement of representatives of the partner organization in the planned research and development activities of the CzK Partner Network is part of the co-production scheme in the partner program. Co-production funds within the partnership project will be used to design and implement the approved co-production-supported projects, to facilitate operation of a representative of the partner organization within the strategic working group CzK, and promotional and communication cooperation.




(1) Supporting the implementation of projects in various Slovenian regions and local communities.


Within the Partner Network of the Centre for Creativity, we want to encourage projects from various creative fields in the period 2021, and to encourage organizations to implement projects outside their local communities in order to expand CCS support and encourage the development of creative endeavour in Slovenia, and not only in major urban centres.


(2) Supporting projects that will assist the production, promotion and marketing of artists on the domestic and international markets.


Due to the complex public health situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic, we want to accelerate the development of activities and the business realization schemes of creators in 2021 that were severely hampered due to social/health constraints, which consequently reduced the number and scope of realized business ventures.

Application procedure for Czk Partner Network

The applicant must propose a clear project, one with a coherent implementation plan, a determined financial structure with defined contributions and authorships, outlined contents and a schedule, and the project must show a significant contribution to the development of the sector. The applicant must have clearly defined work objectives, stakeholders and target groups, as well as active involvement frameworks. Proposed projects should be new, innovative projects that support CCS and enable the development of individual subsectors of CCS or upgraded projects that applicants have already implemented previously within the CzK Partner Network.



When applying for a project, candidates must complete an e-application form, which is accompanied by an application form (JP-PM_21). The e-application form can be accessed by clicking “online application”, and the application form can be found in the attachment “Application form JP-PM_21”. Before applying, candidates are instructed to read the entire Open Call to the CzK Partner Network, located in the “Open Call” attachment.



Candidates submit the completed application form (JP-PM_21) electronically in the e-application form and then print, sign and stamp it (if they operate with a stamp) and send it by registered mail to the following address:


Center za kreativnost

Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje

Rusjanov trg 7, 1000 Ljubljana

Signed: JP – Partner network CzK 2021


More information


Potential bidders/applicants can obtain additional information regarding the content of the invitation by e-mail, to:


Marko Podjavoršek, CzK project manager and CzK Partner Network manager


marko.podjavorsek@mao.si, tel. 059 141 352, Center za kreativnost, Projektna pisarna Maribor, Partizanska cesta 11, Maribor;


or at the e-mail address  info@czk.si.


Centre for Creativity

Rok za prijavo

Sep 8 2020