Culture for the Economy
23 Oct 2020
Koper, Maribor, Ljubljana
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Asocijacija group with CzK (Centre for Creativity) under MAO (Museum for Architecture and Design) is inviting visitors to take part in the Culture for the Economy workshop.
Linking the economy with culture, traditional sponsorship models and marketing can have many positive effects on a company. Urška Jež, an expert in the field, will present current trends in cross-field integration and the multiplier effects of successful cooperation with the cultural and creative sector to various interested entrepreneurs.
Connecting companies directly with culture can have a wide range of effects, some of which are distinct and often better than other sponsorship and marketing communication arrangements.
The workshop will teach companies about the effects they can achieve if they direct sponsorship funds to cultural events and organizations; what challenges both in the environment and within the company can be addressed by including cultural sponsorships in their programs; and what additional results can be achieved by incorporating culture into the day-to-day life of the company.
The workshop is an opportunity to become better familiar with the specifics of non-governmental (NGO) cultural organizations, with a particular focus on managing a diverse portfolio of target groups with which NGO cultural organizations interact in their work. We will also discuss the specifics of the NGO cultural organization operations and how they affect the development of models and competencies that can help grow organizational culture at companies, help gain competitive advantages in the market, or new perspectives on environmental challenges.
The workshop will be held in three locations in Slovenia – in Koper, Ljubljana and Maribor. The number of participants is limited. You can register for the workshop by sending an e-mail to, no later than September 6th.
Date: September 8, 2020, 10–13
Location: Koper- Capodistria, Ulica OF 9 (premises of KS Koper – Center)
Date: September 10, 2020, 10–13
Location: Maribor, Partizanska 11 (project office of the Center for Creativity)
Registration until: Sep 9 by 1 p.m.
Date: Sep 16, 2020, 9–12
Location: Ljubljana, Dalmatinova 4 (meeting room, sixth floor)
Registration until: Sep15 by 1 p.m.
Duration: 2 hrs
Cost: Participation in the workshop is free.
Applications: Register at, where you should clearly write down which of the three workshops you would like to attend.
The Obligations, Options and Opportunities for Creatives project is part of the Partner Network Centre for Creativity Platform. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.