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With the sale of collections and series of products in the Zoofa cooperative on Miklošičeva 4 in the centre of Ljubljana, six new fashion brands selected through a public invitation and presented by a jury consisting of: Mika Cimolini (CZK) and Ana Miklavž will present themselves in May, June and July. (Cabinet 01), Sanja Grcić and Simona Kogovšek (Zoofa).
In May, Pop Up will present the women’s clothing brand ONMONA and the jewellery brand Sanda Vidmar Jewellery.
Aemona is a brand of the young designer Anika Opara. She graduated in design from the NTF in Ljubljana, received her master’s degree from the Istituto Marangoni in Milan and completed her internship with the men’s fashion brand Byborre in Amsterdam. Aemona arose during the Covid pandemic as a result of the designer’s return home, as well as a desire for artistic expression and fashion design involving ethical clothing while exploring new technologies. The collection of women’s clothing is entirely made in small series in Slovenia from quality ecological materials. It follows the slogan: quality over quantity.
Sanda Vidmar has a degree in communication sciences applying her marketing skills in various companies, including the fashion company Lisca. She studied metal design under the mentorship of Olga Obidi and in the studio of Martina Obid Mlakar. In 2020, she founded her own brand, Sanda Vidmar Jewellery, for which she designs jewellery with 925 silver, using casting, forging and modelling techniques. Sanda Vidmar modern jewellery is handmade with love. He remains faithful to minimalism and the natural beauty from which he draws inspiration.
- PopUp presentation: May 4-31, 2022 between 10.00 and 19.00
- Opening event: Thursday, May 5, 2022, between 3pm and 7pm
PopUP predstavitev : 04. do 31. maj 2022 med 10.00 in 19.00
Otvoritveni dogodek: četrtek, 05. maj 2022 med 15.00 in 19.00
The project is part of the partner network of the Centre for Creativity platform. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia.