
Open Call – Double Agent: Do You Speak Flower?

Open Call – Double Agent: Do You Speak Flower?

The Museum of Architecture and Design in collaboration with the Centre for Creativity is launching an Open Call for participation in Double Agent – the 28th Biennial of Design, curated by Alexandra Midal.

Political, bold, vibrant, and provocative, Double Agent: Do You Speak Flower? intertwines floriography with international and local thinking and practices. The exhibition draws on critical theory to define self-identification as an aesthetic and political act that resonates with vanquished, marginalized, forgotten, or invisible minorities. The Double Agent’s production platform ensures that BIO is a living design organism responding to the needs of society and the design field. This year we will commission projects aimed to intertwine diverse media and disciplines such as design, craft, applied arts, films and architecture into processes and results that contribute to the theme and deliver a renewed perspective on design.


Selected participants will address the topics of materiality together with matali crasset, an industrial designer who has championed design at the crossroads of artistic, anthropological and social practice. Polonca Lovšin, who focuses on self-organized initiatives and on alternative ways of living and working related to architecture, urban planning and environmental issues, will lead a group in a project that merges the way we communicate and the activation of public space. Another group, led by dach&zephir, will research the relationship between the marginalised communities and craftsmanship. For the dach&zephir duo, stories and history are starting points in design, acknowledging that objects are mediums for our minds, he believes in the statement that we can’t move forward without acknowledging the past and the history. Studio Yukiko, experts on contemporary forms of visual storytelling, and Grashina Gabelmann, founder and editor-in-chief of the Flaneur Magazine, will mentor a group who will reinterpret the mundane patriarchal idioms associating women to flowers by examining the rich connections between language and image. A final group will create a film or a documentary under the mentorship of Roberto Feo and Rosario Hurtado from collective El Ultimo Grito. Roberto Feo is Professor of Practice at Goldsmiths, University of London while Rosario Hurtado co-directs the MA Space and Communication at HEAD – Genève.


The deadline for applications is 1 March 2024.


More information here.

Apply here.




1 Mar 2024