Music business 3.0: Music ecosystem
30 Sep - 21 Oct 2020
| 9:30
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We’re pleased to announce we will be joined online by French music expert Yvan Boudillet for a special webinar, between September 30th and October 21st. The webinar will take place every Wednesday from 9:30 to 12:30. Participation is free, and prior registration is required.
The webinar, entitled “The Music Ecosystem Compass” (from the Digital Revolution to User Strategy), which is part of the SIGIC’s Glasbeni posel 3.0 (Music Business 3.0) series, organised in collaboration with Centre for Creativity, includes four meetings with French digital media expert Yvan Boudillet of TheLynk in Paris, to be held every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30[correct], September 30th to October 21st.
The webinar will include four meetings covering the following topics:
September 30 – The Evolution of the Music Field
– an overview of twenty years of digital transformation in the creative industries
– the chain of music industry pillars from the perspective of the user
October 8 – The Role of Data in Music
– content is queen, metadata is the key
– recommendations to users based on metadata
– data-based marketing and promotion
– artificial intelligence and “fake” artists
October 14 – Digital Accessories for the Musical Journey
– music through the eyes of the user
– a map of services for the musician
– the musician as start-up?
– introduction to the case study module
October 21 – Case Study Module
– 20-minute presentations of a case study of webinar participants
– let’s meet the innovators: an opportunity to talk to selected representatives of foreign online platforms and start-ups
Participation in the webinar is free, by prior registration HERE. Na osnovi prijave boste prejeli povezavo in geslo za udeležbo na webinarju.
The case studies will be reserved for 4–6 of the selected established projects the participants are currently working on; project selection will take place during the course of the webinar.
Glasbeni posel 3.0 training is co-produced with Center for Creativity at the Museum for Architecture and Design. The project is implemented as part of the activities of the CzK Platform and is financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia.
Yvan Boudillet