Art and the City: We are Developing the City
17 Sep 2020
Former MTT Factory, Maribor
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Art and the City is a series of events – conferences, workshops, artistic interventions – aimed at promoting and connecting contemporary visual arts, design and architecture through urban development strategies, environmental development policies, the economy and entrepreneurship. The project was created in cooperation with the Slovenian Center for Creativity, which operates under the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, and is related to the relaunch of the International Triennial of Art and Environment EKO 8, which will take place in 2021 in the former MTT factory in Melje.
The First Chapter of the conference Developing the City will bring together planners, creatives and activists presenting good, creative practices in investment and the evolution of the urban tissue, with a special emphasis on 20th century heritage; in the integration of visual arts in development projects; and in self-organising and community projects aimed at improving the climate in cities. We will become better familiar with both the urban challenges and development potentials of Maribor; the newly planned cultural centre on Rotovški trg; how Cukrarna, the former sugar factory in Ljubljana, is transforming into an art space; what content is being introduced into the industrial heritage of Rijeka in Croatia; how visual art is changing our common habits; and how the temporary occupation of vacated spaces can become an opportunity for community activation.
Guests: Gregor Reichenberg, Rok Žnidaršič, Alenka Gregorič, Idis Turato, Gašper Medvešek, Pavlina Japelj
Program creator and moderator: Simona Vidmar
The program will be conducted in Slovene and Croatian. The organizer reserves the right to change the program.
Admission is free!
Join us for presentations and talks!
The project is part of the Platform Centre for Creativity partner network. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia.