
Regulations on design fees

Apr 19, 2022

| 16:00


Za prijavo na dogodek se morate naprej registrirat na naši spletni strani.

We are aware of the many problems in the design sub-sector, including the severe underestimation of design services, difficulties in describing and arguing prices to clients and harmful practices related to the public procurement of copyright services, to which the design profession responds slowly and with difficulty. This will strengthen the position of the design profession and facilitate the entry of young designers into the market, as well as design modern and public rules on service fees. For this, we will revise the Regulations on the Honouring of Design Services and introduce an evaluation methodology that will be in line with the practices established in other European countries.


We would like to consult with representatives of the professional public regarding the methodology and architecture of this online tool. The agenda of the presentation and discussion will include:


  • a presentation of the general concept of the price list and its wire models, a presentation of the phases of the design process;
  • calculation of usage rights, presentation of foreign practices, proposed solutions;
  • upgrading the guidelines and methodology for evaluating design services;
  • presentation of the updated tariff part of the regulations for the fee for design services: terminology, content sets.


The event will take place on April 19, 2022, at 4 pm at the Museum of Architecture and Design, in the Great Tower Hall. It is expected to last two hours.


Production: DOS and CAFFEINE DESIGN, co-production: Centre for Creativity


To facilitate the organization of the event, please confirm your participation by April 14, 2022. For any additional questions, you can write to info@kofein.si.

The project is part of the partner network of the Centre for Creativity platform. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia.

Partner Network Programme