
Music business 1.0: Urša Chitrakar (Copyrights in music industry)

23 Jan 2019


Za prijavo na dogodek se morate naprej registrirat na naši spletni strani.

The knowledge of law always comes handy, especially if it’s about copyright in music industry. Many open questions indicate that music is, nearly in all domains, connected to copyrights. Urša Chitrakar will help answer these questions.

The ABC of music industry lectures are part of Music business – lectures / workshops / evaluations, co-produced by Centre for Creativity at the Museum of Architecture and Design and SIGIC. The project is part of activities of the Centre for Creativity Platform and co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and Republic of Slovenia.

Urša Chitrakar

Ukvarja se s pravnim svetovanjem s področja avtorskih pravic, intelektualne lastnine in druge problematike s področja umetniške produkcije. Poleg odvetniškega dela in pravnega svetovanja predava o avtorskih pravicah in intelektualni lastnini, občasno izvaja tudi strokovne analitične študije, vezane na tematiko avtorskih pravic in intelektualne lastnine. Preden je postala odvetnica, je delala kot samostojna pravna svetovalka in kot Fulbrightova štipendistka gostovala na Fordham University School of Law v New Yorku.

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